My bike won’t shift gears correctly?

There are a few things we can check to get you to shift properly.
Let’s check out the “U” derailleur guard to make sure it doesn’t get in the way of your derailleur. We have installed a derailleur guard to protect the derailleur during shipping, so the guard may have been pushed in during shipping. If so, you can forcefully bend it back at a 90-degree angle with your hand, which will allow the derailleur to move freely between the gears!
Also, check that your derailleur hanger is fully bent. The derailleur hanger is the piece of metal that connects the derailleur to the frame. Here are the photos to look for:

If the derailleur guard is not obstructing the movement of the derailleur and the hanger is straight, the derailleur may need to be slightly adjusted.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at

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